What Laser Is Right For You? Question Title * 1. How would you describe your skin? (select all that apply) Dry Oily Sensitive Red Sun Damaged Acne Prone Question Title * 2. How does your skin react to the sun? Burns Easily Burns Sometimes Burns Then Tans Tans Easily Question Title * 3. Do you use a retinol product? Yes No Unsure Question Title * 4. What are your skin concerns? (check all that apply) Fine Lines Wrinkles Sagging Sun Damage Red Spots Brown Spots Hyperpigmentation Acne Scars Skin Texture Skin Laxity (Face) Skin Laxity (Body) Question Title * 5. How many rounds of laser treatments are you willing to commit to? 1 & done 2 -3 4+ Question Title * 6. How old are you? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Question Title * 7. What provider do you usually see? (check all that apply) Ang Amber Caity Dr. Weston Sandra Julia Any of the above Question Title * 8. What email would you like your results sent to? Done