Event Survey

Thank you for helping make our Annual Meeting a great success! In an effort to continue to make this a valuable experience, we welcome your input. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts...

Question Title

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Question Title

* 1. What factor(s) of this year's annual meeting inspired you to attend?

Question Title

* 2. Please assign an interest level to each component of the meeting?

  Indifferent Somewhat of an Interest A Priority
Networking/Social Time before Event
Keynote/Featured Speaker(s)
WCEDA Update
Awards Presentations
WCEDA Board Update
Networking/Social Time After the Event

Question Title

* 3. Please share your opinion about the types of speakers you would like to see?

  Very Interested Somewhat interested Not interested
Business Celebrities (such as John Kraman from Mecum Auctions)
Industry Specific (please specify in comment box below)
Workforce Development Topics
Local, State, and Federal policy
Motivational Speaker
Local Business or Community Leader (please specify in comment box below)
Prominent Politician
Economic Forecast
Other (please specify in comment box below)
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!