The survey is estimated to take less than ten minutes to complete and remains open until 15 August. Participating businesses are assured that their responses will be kept strictly confidential.

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* 1. Business name:

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* 2. What district(s) does your business operate in?

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* 3. Where is your business located?

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* 4. Which of the following best describes the principle industry of your business?

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* 5. What is the product or service your business is offering?

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* 6. Do you self-identify as a Māori business?

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* 7. How many full-time equivalent staff are currently employed in your business? (not including contractors)

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* 8. Over the next 12 months do you expect your employee levels to ...

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* 9. Are you currently recruiting?

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* 10. How does your business recruit employees?

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* 11. What are you doing to attract and retain staff?

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* 12. Do you find it challenging to recruit staff?

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* 13. When recruiting, how would you assess the overall quality of applicants?

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* 14. How confident are you that you will be able to attract and retain the workforce you need?

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* 15. What actions will you need to take within your business if you cannot fulfil your workforce requirements?

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* 16. Compared to 12 months ago, do you feel the general business situation on the West Coast is ...

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* 17. What were the greatest challenges to your business over the past 12 months?

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* 18. For the next 12 months, do you expect the general business situation on the West Coast to ...

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* 19. What will be the greatest challenges to your business over the next 12 months?

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* 20. What additional training / personal development areas would be useful for your business?

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* 21. What barriers do you face in accessing training for you, and / or your employees?

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* 22. Is your business implementing any sustainability or circular economy practices?

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* 23. What are the advantages of your business being located on the West Coast?

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* 24. Do you have any further comments about the current business climate, challenges, and opportunities on the West Coast?

Thank you for your time answering this survey. 

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* 25. Would you be happy to be contacted to further discuss your responses or needs?