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Brimbank Leisure's AllSWIM Program (previously Access and Inclusion) focuses on the inclusion of people with disabilities to participate in both mainstream group lessons and one on one lessons.

Students will be assessed and based on our AllSWIM teachers observations will be allocated a class category based on the below AllSWIM program options:

One student to one instructor: This class option will be available to students with significant mobility, behavioural and intellectual disabilities. Those who are not safe to participate in group classes will be offered one to one classes.

Two students to one instructor: This class option will be available to students with mobility, behavioural and intellectual disabilities whom are safe to swim independently with another participant of similar swimming abilities in the class.

Group learn to swim lesson with additional instructor: This class option is integrated within our learn to swim program. Students will be supported with a second instructor in their class at all times.

Group learn to swim lesson with one instructor: This class option is fully integrated within our learn to swim program. No additional support required.

Please note the wait time for enrolment in this program will vary and assessments will be completed as you progress on the waitlist.

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* 1. Student Details

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* 2. Responsible Person Details

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* 3. Have you had any previous swimming experience?

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* 4. Medical considerations

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* 5. What is the most effective teaching method for the student?

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* 6. Student's interests that could assist our team to build report during lessons. Example favourite Tv shows, characters, sporting teams.

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* 7. Anything else we should know or consider that will help the teacher work with the student? 

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* 8. Will the student be comfortable in a small group class

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* 9. Will the lessons be funded (Example NDIS) If funded please provide details if self managed, plan managed or external organisation funded. List details of organisation

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