To better understand the needs of our community, we would like to gauge your knowledge on solar power. There are no right or wrong answers. Thank you for participating. 

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* 1. I have a good understanding of how solar power works and its benefits for energy production.

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* 2. I believe solar power would be beneficial to my community.

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* 3. I would like to see my community using solar power. 

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* 4. I am familiar with the economic aspects (costs, savings, incentives) related to installing solar power systems.

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* 5. I understand the importance of solar power storage solutions (e.g. batteries) for maximizing solar energy usage.

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* 6. I would be willing to collaborate with my community to implement larger-scale solar power projects.

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* 7. I actively follow or am interested in learning about the latest technological advancements in the field of solar power. 

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* 8. I am aware of how using solar power can positively impact the environment by reducing carbon emissions. 

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* 9. I would support initiatives in our community that aim to increase the use of solar power for sustainable energy. 

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* 10. In case of a prolonged power outage (over several days), where would you go?