OPOC for Caregivers

Ontario Perception of Care Tool
For Mental Health and Addictions (OPOC-MHA)
Caregiver Version

This questionnaire asks about your perceptions of care, and that which your loved one received. This information is being collected to help agencies and programs identify areas of strengths on which to build, and areas for improvement. Your feedback is important and will ultimately help to enhance the overall mental health and substance use system in Ontario.
Did your loved one give consent for you to be involved in their care?

Consent, in this case, is defined as express permission given by a patient or client for their physician or treatment provider to be involved in their care, including sharing information to the extent possible within privacy legislation
If you did not feel involved in your loved one’s care team, what were the reasons? Please choose the option that best represents your experience.
Caregiver Involvement and Engagement

These questions are designed to allow you to provide feedback on your experience interacting with staff as part of the care team of your loved one.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
1) I was involved in the process of getting my loved one’s consent to be involved in their care.
2) I felt welcome from the start.
3) I felt that I was a valued member of the care team for my loved one.
4) I was included in decisions made about my loved one's treatment.
5) Staff kept me up to date on my loved one's progress.
6) Services were provided at a time that was convenient for me.
7) Staff understood and responded to my needs and concerns.
8) If I had a serious concern, I would know how to make a formal complaint to the organization.
9) My input was welcomed when staff made referrals for my loved one, including alternative approaches (e.g., exercise, meditation, nutrition, culturally appropriate approaches).
10) I was included in decisions about my loved one's discharge from treatment.
11) The discharge planning process took into account my safety.
Caregiver Education and Support

These questions are intended to allow you to provide feedback around the education and support you received in understanding your loved one’s challenges and providing support to your loved one.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
12) Staff provided me with adequate, easily understandable information (i.e. diagnosis, prognosis, symptoms, health status, progress, treatment plan, medication) about my loved one’s challenges
13) Staff provided me with adequate information about resources and support programs available to my loved one.
14) Staff provided me with adequate information about what to do in case my loved one has a relapse or crisis.
Caregiver Personal Support

These questions are designed to allow you to provide feedback around the supports that were available to you as a caregiver for your own personal needs.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I don't know
15) I received adequate information about the programs and services available to me as a caregiver.
16) Staff encouraged me to feel hopeful about my loved one’s recovery.
17) I was able to access adequate resources and supports for my own well-being.
18) Responses to my crises or urgent needs were provided when needed.

These questions are designed to allow you to provide feedback on the physical space in which your loved one received treatment.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I don't know
19) Overall, I found the program space clean
and well maintained (e.g., meeting space,
20) I felt the facility was safe.
Perception of My Loved One’s Care

These questions are designed to allow you to provide general feedback on the care your loved one received from this service provider.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I don't know
21) The wait time for services was
reasonable for my loved one.
22) When my loved one first began
receiving treatment, they were
encouraged by staff to give consent for
me to be involved in their care.
23) My loved one received adequate
services to learn to cope with their
mental illness and/or addiction.
24) Staff provided my loved one with a
sense of hope.
25) Staff treated my loved one with respect.
26) Staff provided my loved one treatment
and support specific to their strengths
and needs.
27) Staff were sensitive to my loved one’s
cultural needs (e.g., religion, language,
ethnic background, race).
28) The layout of the facility met my loved
one’s needs.
29) The discharge planning process took
into account the safety of my loved one.
30) The services and supports my loved
one received helped them deal more
effectively with the challenges in their
Overall Experience

These questions are designed to allow you to provide feedback on your overall experience with this service provider.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I don't know
31) I think the services or supports provided
here are of high quality.
32) If a friend were in need of similar services
or supports, I would recommend this
33) The services and supports I have received
have helped me deal more effectively with
the challenges experienced by my loved
Please complete this section only if your loved one is/was receiving services in a residential or inpatient program.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I don't know
34) There were enough activities of interest
to my loved one during free time.
35) Rules or guidelines concerning my
contact with my loved one were
appropriate to my needs.
36) The layout of the facility was suitable for
visits with family and friends (e.g.,
privacy, comfort level).
37) The area in and around my loved one’s
room was comfortable for sleeping (e.g.,
noise level, lighting).
38) My loved one’s special dietary needs
were met (e.g., diabetic, halal,
vegetarian, kosher).
39) The facility kept track of my loved one’s
personal belongings.
Please complete this question only if your loved one is/was receiving services in a residential or inpatient program.

40 a) Please comment on aspects of your experience with this treatment/support service that were particularly helpful to you.
40 b) Please comment on aspects of your experience with this treatment/support service that you feel could be improved.
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

1) What is your age?  
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

2) Were you born in Canada?
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

3) What language would you feel most comfortable speaking in with your health care provider?
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

4) Which of the following best describes your racial or ethnic group?
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

5) What is your gender?
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

6) What is your sexual orientation?
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

7) What was your total family income before taxes last year?
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

8) How many people does this income support?
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

9) Does your loved one live with you?
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

10) I am my loved one's:
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

11) How old is your loved one?
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

12) How far along is your loved one in the treatment services and support process?
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

13) How many times has your loved one been hospitalized as an inpatient for mental illness?
The following questions ask for some details about you in order to help organize the information for quality improvement purposes (for example, ensuring services are non-discriminating). You may answer only the questions that you feel comfortable answering, and you may stop at any time.

15) Did you receive help completing this questionnaire?
Current Progress,
0 of 25 answered