Seeking Industry Input for Connecticut Grown Marketing Campaign 

The Connecticut Department of Agriculture will be embarking on a marketing campaign for Connecticut Grown farm products during the 2020 growing season.  Please provide your feedback on current marketing done by the agency and what you feel a Connecticut Grown marketing campaign should embody.  The campaign shall include ALL aspects of Connecticut agriculture and run for one year. 

Thank you for sharing three minutes of your time with the agency.  We appreciate your input and feedback!
1.What is your first reaction to the marketing services currently provided by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture?
2.Do you currently receive or recall the following marketing efforts?
CT Weekly Agricultural Report
2007 Local Flavor campaign
Social media pages/posts
2015 Hartford Regional Farmers' Market campaign
2015-2017 Specialty Crop Block Grant monthly campaign
2017 and 2018 Farmers' Market Nutrition Program campaign
3.What should the intent of the CT Grown marketing campaign be? Check all that apply.
4.What do you think the primary focus of the campaign should be?
5.In 2020, what components should be included in the campaign? (Check all that apply)
6.Which of the options below would you utilize to participate in the 2020 campaign?
7.Which of the following states do you feel do an outstanding job of marketing agriculture?
8.Please check all the products that you sell: