DAMA Columbus

Alation Presentation Survey

A quick survey to collect your thoughts on the DAMA DG Wheel and your experiences and activity in your Data Governance program.  If you provide us an email will send you the results without participant emails.
1.Are you actively engaged in Data Governance?
2.Which Parts of the DAMA DG Wheel do you believe should be part of DG?
3.Which Parts of the DAMA DG Wheel do you do today?
4.Which Parts of the DAMA DG Wheel have you struggled to implement for your Data Governance Program that you believe are important (if any)?
5.Which of theses items are of interest to you?
6.Which of these areas do you believe are important to Data Governance?
7.Any other areas you would like to get more information on in future Buckeye DAMA Meetings?