Copy of Meijer Certification CoHort

1.What is your name and title in your business?(Required.)
2.What is the name of your business?(Required.)
3.What is your Business Address?(Required.)
4.How long have you been operating your business(Required.)
5.Is your business 51% women owned ?(Required.)
6.Is your business ? (Check all that apply) (Required.)
7.What are your current annual revenues?(Required.)
8.What type of business do you own?(Required.)
9.Do you know how WBENC Certification will Open Doors?(Required.)
10.Are your products and services currently in Meijer?(Required.)
11.Would you be interested in learning more about how to get your products/services into Meijer?(Required.)
12.Do you currently work with a marketing and growth agency?(Required.)
13.Are you currently working with someone or hiring a company to perform the following services. ( Check all that apply)(Required.)
14.Are you currently a member at Grow Hub GR or another Co Working Space?(Required.)
15.If Yes above, which one?
16.Are you looking for work space or networking groups focused on helping you grow your business?(Required.)
17.What do you hope your business looks like in five years? (Required.)
18.What do you feel your biggest Challenge is in your business?(Required.)
19.Do you want to learn more about being a supplier of Meijer?(Required.)
20.I am currently a Supplier at Meijer(Required.)
21.I am signing up for the following Co Hort and Intro to WBENC Class at 12 PM(Required.)
22.I am signing up for the following Co Hort and Intro to WBENC Class 5pm(Required.)
23.Please provide your preferred email address to send zoom link and follow up information to.
24.Do you prefer in person option or zoom?
Current Progress,
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