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Key topics to be included in the civil society statement to the Kyoto Congress

The 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice will take place from 7 to 12 March 2021 in Kyoto, Japan. Due to the covid-19 situation, the Congress, which was planned to be held in April 2020, will take place in a hybrid format, with civil society likely to be able to take part only remotely to the event.

The civil society statement is a tradition of the Congress and will be delivered by the Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice on behalf of all its members and beyond. A slot in the High Level Segment has been secured for this important speech.

The dedicated Alliance Working Group led by Philip Reichel is seeking your opinion on the key topics to be included in the statement. Our aim is to be as inclusive as possible and to make sure that we don't overlook any important crime prevention and criminal justice issues, including those that may have emerged during the pandemic.

This survey is your occasion to bring to our attention what you consider important. It will take only 5 minutes of your time, thank you in advance for participating! 

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us how important each of the topics below is to you and your work (you will be able to suggest other topics in the subsequent questions):

  Extremely important Very important Important but not my focus Not a priority for me
Crime prevention
Hate crime
Domestic violence
Children and youth
Elderly people
Organized crime
Trafficking in persons
Urban safety
Evidence for policy making
Crimes against the environment
Wildlife crime and trafficking
Cultural property
Falsifying medicines
Arms trafficking
Violent extremism and hate speech
Torture by non-state actors
Formation of an international security network

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* 2. Some topics related to the covid-19 pandemic have been suggested. How important do you consider them?

  Extremely important Very important Important but not my focus Not a priority for me
Emerging types of crime in covid times
Crime trends in covid times
Role of civil society and access during covid times
Impact of covid-19 on criminal justice systems

Question Title

* 3. Strengthening the role of civil society is an important objective of our statement. Please let us know if you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Very much agree Agree I don't agree
Civil society should engage more in evaluation (systematic assessment) of the effectiveness, costs, and impacts of the methods, procedures, and content of crime prevention and criminal justice initiatives
Member states and the UN Secretariat should provide more space for discussion and engagement of civil society 
The pandemic should serve as an opportunity to increase access for civil society
Online meetings may limit the ability of civil society to engage meaningfully

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* 4. The following measures could be recommended to the Congress to improve the international/UN framework response. How important are they to your priority issues?

  Very important Fairly important Not very important Not important at all
Increasing coordination
Increasing opportunities for access to and meaningful participation of civil society in UN meetings
Increasing transparency and accountability of the UN Secretariat
Increasing participation of civil society in the implementation of international instruments
Increasing participation of civil society in the review mechanisms of international conventions

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* 5. Which other topic(s) would you suggest for inclusion in the civil society statement (please provide a short description)?

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* 6. Please tell us about you / your organization. 

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* 7. Are you responding in your individual capacity or on behalf of your organization?

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* 8. What is your / your organization's experience with the UN Crime Congress?

Thank you for completing the survey and supporting the Alliance! If your wish to contact us, you can reach us at the email address Please push on the DONE button to send your responses
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