About your household and waste

South Staffordshire Council is seeking your feedback about our waste and recycling collection service. Your experiences and suggestions will be used to help shape future service delivery. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey and share your thoughts with us.

This survey will take up to 20 minutes to complete.

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2. Please select your age group from the options below.

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3. How long have you lived in South Staffordshire?

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4. How many people live in your property?

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5. Do you have your own bins or do you share with other households?

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6. Overall, how would you rate your waste and recycling collection service?

(Please consider your experience of the service as whole, thinking about e.g. frequency of collections, speed of service, capacity for your waste and recycling, ease of disposing of waste and recycling at home, if collections are on time, emptying and returning of bins, conduct and friendliness of the crews, cleanliness of the street following collections)