Thank you for your application and interest to collaborate with the WAPO pituitary community. Besides pituitary disorders, we also have rare disease and adrenal patient organizations in our midst.
The procedure: Upon filling and sending the survey, the WAPO Membership Committee will review your application, and sometimes have additional questions for you. From there, the Membership Committee will advice the WAPO board, who will make a final decision on the membership request.
After the decision, we will inform you in the same week.

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* 1. WAPO would like to learn more about your patient organization.

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* 2. Structure of your organization:

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* 3. Details of contact person | representative of your patient organization:
WAPO requires the first representative to be a person with a patient-experience him-/herselve.

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* 4. Type of organization (please select more than one if appropriate)

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* 5. Where does your patient organization operate?

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* 6. What are your sources of income and funding? More options possible

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* 7. Please inform WAPO about the diseases your patient organization is representing?

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* 8. Please inform about disease prevelance in your country and source of information

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* 9. How many members does your patient organization have? Ofcourse the number doesn't influence your membership application

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* 10. What activities or services do you provide for your members?

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* 11. WAPO Full Membership registration

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* 12. WAPO Global Summit (incl. annual summit + Annual General Meeting).
Is your organization interested to join this annual meeting with one delegate?

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* 13. How can WAPO assist your patient organization?

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* 14. PRIVACY: Since May 25, 2018, the European General Data Protection Regulation (RGDP) will be applicable in all member states to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe.
WAPO would like to stay in touch and continue informing you about news, events, webinars as well as informative teleconferences and future developments.
We take the privacy of your data very seriously and therefore would like to ask you to consent to receiving these communications. Please tick the communications you wish to receive. You can withdraw your permission at any time by sending an email to

Question Title

* 15. Thank you for completing the survey. Your input is of value to WAPO! Should you have additional comments or require further information, please write to us in the box below.