Exhibition Information

Exhibition Dates: 9/25/24-10/31/24

Exhibit Description: This non-juried open call asks New England artists of all ages to reach into the cobwebs and share something a bit dark, grim, ghastly, spooky, or scary as we venture from the warmth of summer into the darkness of winter. Hung in the Education Wing of the Worcester Art Museum, the exhibit will be free and open to the public Wednesday - Sunday 10-4pm.
Celebration: Celebrate the season with us at an exhibit celebration on 10/27/24 from 12-2PM. Costumes welcome!
Art Content: Exhibit will be in a public area, so we ask all submissions be PG-13. We reserve the right to decline submission of, or hang in a secluded space, any artwork with extreme gore or possible triggering aspects. Alternatively, you can provide a “curtain” or covering option for your artwork.
Submission Details
Submission Due Date: 9/22/24
Art Drop Off:
9/17–9/19 10 am–6 pm
9/21 & 9/22 10:30 am–4 pm
Art Pick Up:
11/5–11/7 10 am–6 pm
11/8 & 11/9 10:30 am–4 pm
Submission Cost: Free
Who can submit: New England-based artists of any age--youth, teen, and adult artists welcome.
Submission Limit: 1/person, No diptychs/triptychs or multi-part artworks. Art accepted on a first-come-, first-accepted basis. We reserve the right to decline submissions based on space limitations.
Media: Drawing, painting, printing, sculpture, calligraphy, fiber arts, mixed media, photography, writing, etc...
Date: Artwork cannot have already been exhibited in a WAM exhibit and must have been made in the last 3 years.
Preparation: Art must be ready to hang with hooks or wires.
Size Limitations:
•2D- 24”x36”
•3D-18”x18”x18” <50lbs

Question Title

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