Practice Standard Survey - Consent

A brief survey about the Practice Standard - Consent. The Practice Guideline - Consent also provides helpful information. All responses are confidential. Individuals will not be identified. Responses will be analyzed based on aggregate data only.
1.Years of experience as a kinesiologist (optional):
2.Nature of practice (optional)
3.Practice location (see: Electoral Districts) (optional)
4.Express consent is and may involve (select all that apply)(Required.)
5.A patient/client signature on a consent form is required and necessary to document ongoing informed consent.(Required.)
6.Please select the highest-ranking Substitute Decision Maker (see pgs. 3-4 of the Practice Standard)(Required.)
7.Please use this space to ask any questions or provide any feedback you may have about the Practice Standard - Consent and/or Practice Guideline - Consent.