Application Form

The purpose of the AVA Early Career Researcher (ECR) Teaching Release program is to support ECR training and research career development by allowing ECRs to be released from their teaching obligations, and devote that time and energy to participating in multiple activities of the AVA Training Platform including:
·       Mentoring trainees in the Triadic Mentorship Program;
·       Participating as a trainee or content creator (presenter) in AVA Online;
·       Strategy Development, Management and Evaluation Training;
·       Another activity connected to AVA’s objective.
This program will be available competitively to ECRs who want to engage in their own training or training others in high-need areas that relate to girls, women, and gender-diverse people. Please see the complete program guidelines for detailed information.
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100% of survey complete.

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* 1. ECR Contact Information

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* 2. What is the dollar amount of 1 course buy-out for you?

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* 3. Have you spoken to your senior administrator about your intent to apply for this teaching release?

Questions 4-7 will help us ensure that we are honouring the AVA Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) guiding principles. As it pertains to recruitment, the AVA's EDIA Guiding Principles are:
  • Priority will be applied to Indigenous, Black and Other racialized people, as well as disabled, gender-diverse and other identities.
  • We will seek equity by removing systemic barriers and biases in recruitment, application and participation processes
    We will ensure diverse perspectives and lived experiences (e.g. races, places of origin, religions, immigrants and newcomers, etc.) are represented amongst the AVA team.
  • We will focus on inclusion by valuing and respecting all contributuons, particularly eliminating hierarchies, by treating team members equally.
  • Seeking to address the 2 key objectives of the Government of Canada’s EDI Tri-Agency Action Plan for 2018-2025 by ensuring fair access to Tri-Council resources and ensuring equitable participation in recruitment of trainees.

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* 4. What is your gender identity?

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* 5. What city and province are you in?

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* 6. What languages are you fluent in?

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* 7. If you identify as a racialized person, please tell us how you identify.

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* 8. Do you have a (dis)ability?

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* 9. If you have any other diverse perspective(s) or lived experience(s) we should take into consideration, please use the field below to tell us about it (e.g. newcomer, immigrant, multiple intersecting identities, etc.).

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* 10. Alignment of ECR’s Research Program with CIHR Health Research Training Platform High-Priority Areas (check all that apply). See the program guidelines for more details.

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* 11. For every checked item in question 10, indicate how your research program addresses the high-priority area (300 words maximum). If you require more space, or if you would prefer, you may upload a file with your answer in question 4.

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* 12. If you choose to upload a file in response to question 3, you may do so here.

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* 13. ECR Statement
In 1500 words maximum, please describe:
  •  The alignment of your research program with the AVA Training Platform objective;
  • Your research career goal(s) and how your past training, achievements, publications, awards and research experiences have prepared you to meet your goals;
  • How participation in the AVA Training Platform can supplement your past training, achievements, etc. (as above) to advance your research career goals into the future.
  • The curriculum content that you may be able to generate 
  • The mentoring experience/skill/training you have that would be beneficial for the AVA Training Platform and AVA Trainees.

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* 14. Please include a one-page letter of support from more experienced AVA Training Platform member.

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* 15. ECR’s two-page curriculum vitae (CV) from ECR. The CV should detail the following:
  • Education: Current and completed post-secondary degrees (degree, institution, country, supervisor, years)
  • Current Position: Title, Institution
  • Past/Other Positions: Relevant work experience (year, position, institution/company, country
  • Awards: Prizes, honours and awards (name, awarded by, year won/held)
  • Research Grants: Funder (years, amount)  
  • Knowledge Translation: Publications, presentations, etc. in traditional and social media forms

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