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The so-called “4th industrial revolution” -Aquaculture 4.0 - is projected to enable a 15-20% increase in the aquaculture sector by the year 2030. In this context, European aquaculture has been recently applying innovative and disruptive technologies to transform fishery management strategies, with major impact on the implementation of new Circular Bioeconomy approaches. In addition to the expected impact on growth, the benefits of Aquaculture 4.0 include improved productivity, efficiency, and reduced costs.

By answering this survey, you will contribute in defining, integrating and scaling-up better solutions that aim to accelerate the blue growth economy. The approximate time of completion is 10 minutes.  We thank you in advance!

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* 1. For which geograhical areas can you provide feedback on the Aquaculture market (whether from the supplying or the internal production side)?

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* 2. Which of the following stakeholders’ categories describes your organization best?

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* 3. Do you have previous experience implementing aquaculture technologies within a project/or your in-house operations?. Please answer Yes or No. If no, why not?

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* 4. If your answer was “Yes, I have previous experience implementing aquaculture technologies”, would you be willing to include it again? If your answer is “No”, why not?

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* 5. What level of influence do you believe the following decision makers have when implementing aquaculture technology solutions in a specific project? Please rank the level of influence per slider (decision maker). (1= Very low; 5= Very high). 

  Very low Low Neither low nor high  High Very high
Raw materials suppliers (seed,feed,equipment,material)
Technology providers (manufacturers and system vendors)
Local authorities
Whole sale and retailers
Fish farmers
End consumers (households, restaurants, other final buyers)

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* 6. When implementing innovative technologies in aquaculture, what do you believe are the main sustainability goals targeted?. Multiple answer are allowed. 

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* 7. What are the most important aspects for you when investing in new technologies in the field/ markets you operate?

  Very low importance Low importance Neither low noe high importance High importance Very high importance
Quality of raw materials
Integration with other in-house operatIonal systems (e.g. RAS)
Costs (initial investment, supply costs, OPEX...)
Scale of the project
Return on Investment (ROI)
Payback period (time for the investment to be recovered)
Partners involved in the project

Question Title

* 8. Please rank the level of relevance (1 Very low - 5 Very high) of the aquaculture key market drivers in the markets you operate (at country level).

  Very low Low Neither low nor high High Very high
Zero energy and waste strategy directives
Requests by certification schemes
Significant demand for aquaculture technology products in markets of action 
Financial incentives
Environmental awareness
Increasing of renewable technologies penetration by clients
Increasing efficiency/ Return of Investment by adopting new technologies

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* 9. Please indicate the most appropriate statement regarding the regulatory framework in the markets you operate (at country level). 

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* 10. Please select the most appropriate statement regarding incentives on aquaculture technology adoption in the markets you operate. One single choice allowed

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* 11. Please rank the level of relevance of the following activity segments when applying Aquaculture 4.0 in the field/markets you operate. (1= Very low; 5= Very high). 

  Very low Low Neither low nor high High Very high
Subsistence/hobby aquaculture
Small to medium scale commercial aquaculture
Large scale commercial aquaculture
Non-profit projects (e.g., Aquaponics)
Aquaculture research projects

Question Title

* 12. Please rank the level of importance that Aquaculture 4.0 technologies have in the field/ markets you operate. (1= Very low; 5= Very high). 

  Very low Low Neither low nor high High Very high
Improvement of fish behavior/welfare
Reduction of drug treatments
Reduction of fish waste
Optimization of other resources (reduction of feed waste, reduction of energy usage)
Standardization of farms and increase of social acceptance by farmers
Increase of awareness for investors to provide alternative funding schemes

Question Title

* 13. What are the challenges of Aquaculture technology adoption in the field/markets you operate? Rank in terms of priority (1= Low; 5= High).

  Very low Low Neither low nor high High Very high
Cost reduction (upfront investments costs are currently high)
Lack of information symmetry and knowledge on the pilot plants and/or technical risks in aquaculture by non-technical groups
Need of implementing KPIs aligned with business strategy, so the risk to less technical groups is reduced (those risks linked to lack of knowledge about performance optimization, predictive maintenance, and manufacturing processes) 
Product flexibility and adaptability to any type of farm
Technology standardization across industry
Products utility (Technology Readiness Level of products available)

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* 14. Could you please explain what are the main challenges that have limited technological applications within your field/areas of action? And any suggestions in order to overcome them.

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* 15. How familiar do you consider yourself with Aquaculture’s latest technology development and product offerings in the market? (Very familiar=5; Not familiar=0)

0 2.5 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 16. What sources you commonly make use of when looking for information about Aquaculture 4.0 latest news and updates?

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* 17. Do you consider that there is a need for education in Aquaculture 4.0 within your field/sector?.

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* 18. If yes, what are the means you consider efficient to adress it?

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* 19. According to World Bank estimations, the projected 2030’s global demand for seafood can only be met if both data monitoring experts and fish farms engage in strong partnerships to standardize and facilitate digital transformation of Small and Medium aquaculture players. Do you agree with this statement? Can you specify why?

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* 20. Do you have any further recommendations on how Aquaculture technology adoption can be increased within your field/sector?

0 of 20 answered