The 2nd International Collegiate Way Conference Question Title * 1. How did you hear about the 2nd Collegiate Way International Conference? email online friend/colleague Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Did you attend the 1st Collegiate Way International Conference in Durham? yes no Question Title * 3. Do you intend to attend the 3rd Collegiate Way International Conference in 2018/9? yes no maybe Question Title * 4. How satisfied were you with the website and information on the location, the program, the venue, booking and accommodation? Strongly Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neither Satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Strongly Dissatisfied What other information would have been helpful? Question Title * 5. How satisfied were you with the process for registering for the conference? Strongly Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neither Satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Strongly Dissatisfied What would have made it easier? Question Title * 6. How satisfied were you with the process for booking accommodation at the conference venue, University House? Strongly Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neither Satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Strongly Dissatisfied What would have made it easier? Question Title * 7. Please indicate your three highlights of the Conference and why? 1) 2) 3) Question Title * 8. Please indicate your three low points of the Conference and why? 1) 2) 3) Question Title * 9. Are you able to implement new /different strategies within your college from what you heard at the conference? yes no if yes please indicate what they are. Question Title * 10. What would you have liked to see added to the program? Question Title * 11. What would you have liked to see deleted/changed from the program? Question Title * 12. Would you have liked to tour some colleges enroute to the conference? yes no Question Title * 13. Was there sufficient time for networking yes no Question Title * 14. Was there sufficient time for outside commitments e.g. alumni events, visits? yes no Question Title * 15. Was there sufficient time for reflections? Yes No Question Title * 16. Would you have liked a half day tour of the city/sightseeing? yes no If yes would you prefer it to be: Before the conference? during the conference? after the conference? Question Title * 17. Please suggest some topics you would find helpful next time. Question Title * 18. Any other comments or suggestions? Done