Shippensburg Area School District: Flagship Proud Campaign Survey

Question Title

* 1. Purpose of this survey
The purpose of this study is to measure the public perception of and involvement in the Flagship Proud Campaign at Shippensburg Area School District. As part of this study you will be asked to participate in a survey. The survey consists of structured and open-ended questions. This study will take approximately 5 minutes.

The principal investigators are conducting this survey as partial fulfillment of class requirements for COM 432 Public Relations Research and Campaigns at Shippensburg University. The principal investigators are: Carly Erisman, Logan Wein, Kayleigh Purcell, Allison Hergenrother, Melissa Langdon, Brandi Sartor and Michala Swoyer.

Participants' Rights
I understand that my responses will be kept in the strictest of confidence and will be available only to the researcher to maintain anonymity. I also understand that I may skip any questions that I do not wish to answer or complete. I may choose not to participate or withdraw at any time during the survey without penalty. I also understand that there are minimal risks to participating in this study.

If I am uncomfortable with any part of this study, I may contact Dr. Carrie Sipes, research supervisor, at or (717) 477-1432. If you have concerns about your rights as a research participant or to report research misconduct, please contact the IRB/Human Subjects Chairperson Todd Whitman at Shippensburg University at or (717)-477-1654.

I understand that I am participating in a survey of my own free will.

Consent to Participate
I acknowledge that I am at least 18 years old, and that I understand my rights as a research participant as outlined above. I acknowledge that there are minimal risks to participating in this survey. I acknowledge that my participation is fully voluntary.