Question Title

* 1. How many meetings have you attended since January 2018 of ACAC?

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* 2. If you have attended meetings since January, please rate Upstream as our new venue on the following statements. If you have not attended a meeting held at Upstream, please skip to question number 4.

Rate on a scale of 1 to 5, as identified below.

  1 - Very Poor 2 - Poor 3 - Average -
Could be better
4 - Good 5 - Outstanding,
exceeds expectations
The Upstream location is convenient and accessible for me.
The meeting room in Upstream is comfortable and allows for networking and ease in interaction.
The parking is convenient and accessible to the facility.
The service by Upstream personnel is courteous, effective, and professional.
The food at Upstream is tasty, good quality and well presented.
The value of the meal for quantity and quality of the food and price.

Question Title

* 3. If you have attended meetings since January, please provide your rating of the following from your perspective in meeting your needs and living up to our goal to help you grow trust, grow revenue.

Rate on a scale of 1 to 5 as identified below:

  1 - Strongly disagree 2 - Disagree 3 - Neutral 4 - Agree 5 - Strongly Agree
I have gained great value from attending the meetings.
I have found the new format of the meetings with introductions and facilitated discussion valuable.
There was good engagement and interaction among members in attendance before, during and after meetings.
The topics and content shared have been relevant and I have been able to put to use in my business.
I have gained additional resources and connections as a result of attending meetings.
I have gained business opportunities as a result of attending meetings and making connections.
The communications before and after meetings has been good and helpful.

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* 4. Please answer what is keeping you from attending meetings at all or from attending more meetings: (Choose as many as apply)

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* 5. Currently, the process is that you pay for your lunch based on what you order. We are considering changing the process to paying in advance a flat fee. Please provide your feedback and preferences accordingly by checking what is most important to you.

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* 6. Would you be willing to take your involvement and membership in the group to a more committed level in paying dues? We understand that the dues you would be most comfortable paying would depend on additional benefits received.

Please check the dues amount on an annual basis that you would not want it to exceed from your perspective. Please choose the highest range amount you are most comfortable with, and then share any comments to your expectations related to dues.