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About this Survey

Survey Purpose:
This survey will help the State of Tennessee learn more about housing issues across the state. We would like to learn more about your opinions or experiences of housing affordability, fair housing, infrastructure needs, community resources, and homelessness.

The State will use the results to develop two plans:
1. A consolidated plan for about $60 million in yearly federal housing and infrastructure funding for Tennessee.
2. A fair housing plan to address housing discrimination and disparities.

The State of Tennessee welcomes responses from all Tennesseans, even if you are not familiar with the Consolidated Planning or Fair Housing processes.
If you would like to learn more about the State of Tennessee's Consolidated Planning process, please visit: www.thda.org/research-reports/consolidated-planning/


We appreciate you taking this survey. Your responses are completely anonymous. However, the State asks for your zip code to better understand housing needs in your community. The survey results will be used for planning and shared in the 2025 - 29 Consolidated Plan report. If you have additional questions regarding this survey, please contact research@thda.org.

Survey Structure:
This survey has six sections. Sections 3 - 6 are optional.
1. Personal Household Information
2. Personal Housing Experiences
3. Community Housing Needs (example: cost of housing)
4. Community Homelessness Services Needs (example: emergency shelters)
5. Community Infrastructure Needs (examples: water/sewer projects, parks)
6. Community Resources and Services Needs (examples: disability services, health services)

Tell us where you are located.

Question Title

* 1. In which Tennessee county are you located?

Question Title

* 2. What is your zip code?

5% of survey complete.