Cannabis and Your Town Evaluation

Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your responses are anonymous and will help us to improve future webinars and community conversations.
1.BEFORE attending this webinar, how would you rate your ability to take action on the following items?
Very Poor
Very Good
Speak to others about the data related to marijuana use and adverse health effects, especially for youth.
Have conversation(s) with and among town leaders about potential impact of marijuana commercialization on municipal and regional systems, as well as the public health impact.
Ask more detailed and specific questions related to the potential impact on my town and region.
Support my town in talking about and planning proactively rather than having to respond as a reaction.
Have ideas about how your town might mitigate adverse impact of marijuana commercialization and prevent youth misuse.
2.AFTER attending this webinar, how would you rate your ability to take action on the following items?
Very Poor
Very Good
Speak to others about the data related to marijuana use and adverse health effects, especially for youth.
Have conversation(s) with and among town leaders about potential impact of marijuana commercialization on municipal and regional systems, as well as the public health impact.
Ask more detailed and specific questions related to the potential impact on my town and region.
Support my town in talking about and planning proactively rather than having to respond as a reaction.
Have ideas about how your town might mitigate adverse impact of marijuana commercialization and prevent youth misuse.
3.To what extent would you agree with the following?
Strongly Disagree
Agree a Little
Strongly Agree
There was adequate time to cover the topics presented
The webinar platform was easily accessible
The audio could be clearly heard
The video/slide presentation was easily viewable
The webinar discussion met my expectations
4.In general, how satisfied are you with the content of this webinar?
5.How much new information did you learn in this webinar?
6.How likely are you to use the information or ideas you received in this webinar?
7.Please rate the presenters on the following topics.
Expertise in the subject matter.
Ability to present the information in a way that was easy to understand.
Ability to listen and appropriately respond to participant questions and concerns.
Preparation and organization.
Overall quality as a presenter.
8.Please provide us with any comments you have on the presenters.
9.Please provide us with any general comments about this webinar.
10.What continued support for your town would be helpful moving forward?   Please check all that apply.
11.Are there other trainings that you would like to see us offer?
12.How did you hear about this event?  Please check all that apply.
Thank you for completing our evaluation!  Please visit us at