StickTogether Stories Please Share Your StickTogether Story! Our mission at StickTogether® is to share inclusive experiences that foster inter-personal connections and collective achievement through making / creating as a group. How did StickTogether fulfill its mission with your group? OK Question Title * 1. Please share your StickTogether story for a chance to win a free kit. OK Question Title * 2. Please make sure to add your name and email address, and where (City/State) you StickTogether. OK Question Title * 3. Do we have permission to use your StickTogether Story on our website and in other marketing materials? Yes (with City/State and your First/Last initials) No. Rather not OK Question Title * 4. How did you first hear about StickTogether? OK Question Title * 5. Thank you! Please feel free to share any other comments, feedback or ideas with us. Let's ALL StickTogether! OK DONE