SURVEY: Connecting PROTEC17 advocacy groups
What issues do you want to push forward?

2.PROTEC17 Chapter
3.Updated Email Address: If there is another personal email address that you'd prefer we use instead of the one you received this survey to, please update your email address here.
We have groups forming across PROTEC17 to tackle important issues in our union and our world. As a way to share ideas and inspiration, PROTEC17 is working on new ways to connect members on these issues union-wide. In our efforts to be an anti-racist organization, issues of racial equity and justice will be centered in all of these subjects.

If you would like to get involved, please let us know what issues interest you below.
4.I'm interested in connecting with my fellow PROTEC17 members to organize through our union. The topics that I’m most concerned with are the following. (Please check all that apply.)

You will be contacted by union staff regarding next steps, regional groups, and our larger platform for collective action.
5.If there's anything else you'd like to share with us regarding member advocacy groups, please do so here.