Retirement Rewired - Week 2 Feedback Question Title * 1. Contact information First Name(s) & Last Name City/Town and State Your Email Question Title * 2. On a scale of 1 to 5 stars, if you participated in last Thursday's ONLINE ZOOM MEETING, how helpful did you find group sharing/discussion? Why did you choose the rating you gave it? Do you have suggestions for how the online discussions/sharing could be improved? Question Title * 3. On a scale of 1 to 5 stars, if you participated in last Thursday's ONLINE ZOOM MEETING, how helpful did you find Brian's instructions concerning the worksheets for the SPIRITUAL GIFTS and MONEY MAP WORKSHEETS? Why did you choose the rating you gave it? Do you have suggestions for how Brian's instructions can be could be improved? Question Title * 4. On a scale of 1 to 5 stars, how helpful did you #3 WORKSHEET (Part 1) - Spiritual Gifts? Why did you choose the rating you gave it? Do you have suggestions for how this worksheet could be improved? Question Title * 5. On a scale of 1 to 5 stars, how helpful did you find #3 WORKSHEET (Part 2) - Listing of Church Ministries? Why did you choose the rating you gave it? Do you have suggestions for how this worksheet could be improved? Question Title * 6. On a scale of 1 to 5 stars, how helpful did you find #4 WORKSHEETS on Finances/Money Map? Why did you choose the rating you gave it? Do you have suggestions for how this worksheet could be improved? Done