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This survey is regarding the April 2019 bond referendum that asked taxpayers if the Luck School District should be authorized to issue general obligation bonds in the amount not to exceed $9.5 million for the public purpose of paying the cost of a District-wide school building and improvement project consisting of:

- Capital maintenance and improvement projects
- Renovations, building infrastructure updates and site improvements
- Safety and security improvements
- Conversion of the current gymnasium to an auditorium and construction of an addition for a new gymnasium
- Acquisition of related furnishings, fixtures, and equipment

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. Where do you reside?

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* 3. How long have you lived in the School District?

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* 4. Please check all of the following that apply to you:

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* 5. Did you vote in the April 2, 2019, School District referendum election?

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* 6. How did you vote on the bond referendum question presented? (Note: This is the $9.5 million bond referendum question and not the $300,000 per year for five year operational referendum question.)

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* 7. Moving forward, how likely would you be to support a $5.5 million referendum in April 2020 that addresses all the District's deferred maintenance projects plus provides funds to expand the shop area?

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* 8. How likely would you be to support a $5.5 million referendum in April 2020 plus a $200,000/year recurring operational referendum? Costs would address all the District's deferred maintenance projects plus provide funds to expand the shop area, employ a Tech Ed teacher, expand the curriculum, and address safety concerns during drop-off and pick-up times.

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* 9. How likely would you be to support a referendum up to $10 million in April 2020 that addresses all the District's deferred maintenance projects, expands the shop area, and is used to construct additional gym space?

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* 10. What do you think the board should keep in mind as it considers options, including another bond referendum, to address the District’s needs?

0 of 10 answered