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* 1. What mode of transportation do you most commonly use?

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* 2. On average, how many total rides do you take on CityBus each week? (two rides = one round trip)

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* 3. How often are you able to get to the places you need to go?

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* 4. How would you rate the current CityBus transit system as it is today?

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* 5. What do you feel is a reasonable amount of time to wait for the bus?

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* 6. What are the top two factors that could influence your choice of transportation to school/work?

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* 7. Have you ever used CityBus FLEX service?

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* 8. If you have not used CityBus FLEX services, why not?

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* 9. What would you prefer to see as an improvement within CityBus?

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* 10. What is the typical fare/pass you pay/use for CityBus?

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* 11. How much of the operating costs of public transit do you think is covered by the passenger fares?

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* 12. According to the 2024 report by the Federal Support of Public Transit Operating Expenses, in the United States, fares cover only 10% to 20% of the total operating costs for public systems.

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* 13. With this in mind, would you be willing to pay a higher fare to support CityBus' efforts to sustain and enhance public transit service?

For the next set of questions, we ask that you pick one or the other.

CityBus is considering a range of potential service changes, there may not be enough funding to make all of the changes we want to make. If CityBus makes a compromise, please let us know your preferences for the options below:

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* 14. Preference for the option below

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* 15. Preference for the option below

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* 16. Preference for the option below

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* 17. Preference for the option below

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* 18. Preference for the option below