Our Royal Charter mandates that there shall be a Council of the Institution who shall be the representative body of members of the Institution.

Councils' duties are to provide advice and guidance on strategic, professional and policy issues. Council represents members’ views to the Board of Trustees and nominates members of our Presidential team. Byelaw 16 (9) states that,

The Council shall regularly review its effectiveness, its relationship with the Board of Trustees and its representation of and relationship with the members of the Institution”.

To meet the future needs of the members of IOSH, the Council, led by our President, and Chair of Council, Stuart Hughes is leading a full review looking at how to make Council as effective and responsive to our membership as possible.

Through a series of discussions with key stakeholders and an independent benchmarking exercise, the recommendations are to review:

- The size and structure of Council
- The size and structure of the Presidential Team
- The election, application and recruitment processes for Council and the Presidential Team.
- The pipeline to and through the governance structure.

We are asking members to consider the information provided on the consultation website and complete the short survey below to ensure that the views of the membership are considered as part of the review.

We appreciate your time in completing the survey.