We want to hear from you on housing in Buellton!

The City of Buellton is updating its Housing Element, which is required by state law to ensure the city is meeting the housing needs of all members of the community. As Buellton continues to grow, we need to plan for where future residents will live by updating the City’s housing policies and designating land to accommodate the City’s share of regional housing allocation of 165 new housing units for the 2023-2031 planning period. This includes designating sites for market rate housing, and housing that is affordable to very low, low and moderate and above moderate incomes. The City does not  have to build the housing units but must provide appropriate zoning on sites that offer real development potential, fair process and fees. This update gives us the opportunity to evaluate the current goals, policies, and programs, and determine the revisions needed to improve the effectiveness of the City’s housing plan and meet new State requirements that have become effective since the last update.
Please take this survey to help the City develop a plan that best reflects the community's needs, values and priorities when it comes to new housing. The survey is completely anonymous and takes about 5-10 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. Do you rent, own a home, or own rental property within the City of Buellton?

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* 2. How long have you lived in the City of Buellton?

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* 3. Please select all that apply to you.

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* 4. What is your age range?

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* 5. Which best describes your current living situation?

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* 6. Which best describes your household composition?

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* 7. For the following statements, please let us know what you think in relation to housing availability and affordability.

In Buellton, do you think it is difficult to find...

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
AVAILABLE rental housing
AFFORDABLE rental housing
AVAILABLE homes for purchase
AFFORDABLE homes for purchase

Question Title

* 8. Please rank the following groups by order of their need for housing and related services in the community.

  Greatest Need Moderate Need Somewhat Needed Least Need Don't Know
Large Families
Young adults
Persons with Disabilities
Persons experiencing homelessness

Question Title

* 9. Buellton will continue to grow and evolve over the next decade. What do you feel are the top housing issues/priorities to address in the City?

Pick up to four (4) from the options below.

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* 10. How adequate is Buellton’s supply of the following housing types?

  Adequate Supply Not Adequate Supply Don't Know
Single-family homes
Condominiums, townhomes or apartments
Duplex, tri-plex or four-plex units
Senior citizen housing/active retirement community
Assisted living facilities
Accessory dwelling units (ADUs or “Granny flats”)
Affordable Housing
Transitional Supportive Housing/Emergency shelters for homeless

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* 11. Are there any examples of new housing (in Buellton or elsewhere) that you like and that seem to “fit” Buellton? Why? What features do you like?

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* 12. Do you have any additional information or observations you would like to share about housing in Buellton?

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* 13. If you would like to receive periodic information on the Housing Element update, please provide your name and email address below.