Please complete the form below to register your interest in the Heartfully You Mastermind program.

This is small group experience with a maximum of 6 places on offer.

The Spa Retreat is an optional add-on for those registered in the Heartfully You Mastermind.

Acceptance into this program is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Carolin will contact you by email to confirm your acceptance. Payment instructions will accompany your acceptance. Your first payment, in whole or in part, secures your place in the program.

If you have any questions not addressed here, please email Carolin at:

Question Title

* 1. Name: (required)

Question Title

* 3. Which country are you located in? (required)

Question Title

* 4. What specifically attracts you to the Heartfully You mastermind program? (required)

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* 5. What would you like to learn most during this program? (required)

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* 6. Please identify how you would like to grow on this program. Is there a specific focus, challenge or goal you'd like coaching and/or channeling support with? (required)

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* 7. What kind of change are you hoping to experience by the end of this program? (required)

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* 8. Why does now feel like the right time for you to participate in this program? (required)

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* 9. Which program option are you interested in? (required)

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* 10. I have read and understood the terms, conditions and fees associated with this program. (required)