Native plantings on farms and their link to beneficial insect biodiversity.

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this questionnaire conducted by Plant & Food Research. The questionnaire should take less than 15 minutes to complete.

The data you provide will help inform our communication strategy with farmers to better control insect pest species, increase pollinator diversity, and prevent reservoirs for insect pest species through targeted native plantings on farm.

All information will be kept strictly confidential and the questions will not allow you to be identified in any way. You do not have to answer every question and it is your right to withdraw your answers from this questionnaire. If you’d like to withdraw your answers please contact Brad Howlett at Plant and Food Research. This can be done at any time prior to the data being analysed in 4 years.

If withdrawing answers please quote the questionnaire ID you'll be prompted to create in Question 1. The data from your responses will not be held longer than 6 years and will not be available to third parties. By participating you are consenting to these terms of data storage and use which have been approved by Plant and Food Research’s Ethics Committee.

At the end of the questionnaire there is an option to provide your name and contact information for the purposes of contacting you in the future to participate in a follow-up questionnaire. This will allow us to see how farmer’s views of native plants and beneficial insects could change over time. This is completely voluntary and choosing not to provide contact details does not affect your participation in the questionnaire. If you do choose to provide your contact information, it will be kept strictly confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Enter a number to identify this questionnaire that you will remember (e.g kilometres from nearest town added to last four digits of phone number).

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* 2. Which region are you from?

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* 3. Beneficial insects pollinate crops and control insect pests. Have you heard about, read, or been to presentations about native plants supporting beneficial insects on farms? 

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* 4. If you know about a link between beneficial insects and on-farm native plantings, where did you learn about this?

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* 5. If farming, what is your primary production system?

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* 6. What is the size (ha) of your property?

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* 7. What proportion of your property is non-productive?

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* 8. What proportion of your income is derived from farming?

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* 9. Would you describe your farm as:

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* 10. Do you have, or plan to plant natives on your property?

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Answer as many as apply to you in the text box.

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* 12. How much would you expect to spend on establishing plantings?

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* 13. Of the native species you have or plan to plant, how many different species?

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* 14. Where on your land are you establishing native plantings?

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* 15. Who did/will do the native plantings?

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* 16. Who has done/will do planting maintenance?

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* 17. What do you think prevents people from planting natives on their land? Rank (at least top 4) in order from most important to least important with 1 being most important, 10 being least important.

  1. Lack of information/knowledge
  2. Hard to obtain plants
  3. High maintenance
  4. Potential of new legislation limiting land use
  5. Harbour insect pests
  6. Too expensive
  7. High plant mortality
  8. Loss of productive land
  9. Too slow growing
  10. Harbour pest animals

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* 18. What motivates you to establish native plants on your land? Choose as many that apply. 

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* 19. Of the insects that might be supported by native plantings, rate how important you think they are for pollinating your crops/pastures with 1 being not important to 6 being extremely important.

  1- Not important  2 3 4 5 6- Extremely important 
Bumble bees
Native bees
Honey bees

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* 20. Do you believe native plants support predatory/parasitic insects that help control insect pests?

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* 21. Of the insects that might be supported by native plantings, rate how important you think they are for reducing insect pest populations in your crops/pastures with 1 being not important to 6 being extremely important.

  1 -Not important 2 3 4 5 6- Extremely important
Parasitic/predatory wasps
Hover flies

Question Title

* 22. We are keen to know whether your thoughts change during our project. Would you be happy for us to contact you in 2-3 years to fill in this questionnaire again? If so, we would appreciate if you could provide your name and email in the comment box below. A reminder that providing your contact details is completely voluntary and not required to take part in this survey.