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* 1. In the past 3 months, how frequently did you exercise?

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* 2. What is your primary purpose for using rgees Pacing Grips?

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* 3. Which features of the rgees Pacing Grips do you find most beneficial? Select all that apply.

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* 4. What was your perception of the environmentally friendly materials used

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* 5. After using rgees Pacing Grips, have you noticed any improvements in your exercise routine?

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* 6. How comfortable were the Pacing Grips to hold while exercising

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* 7. How was the fit of the Pacing Grips to your hand

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* 8. How did you perceive the improvement of your posture while using the Pacing Grips

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* 9. What improvements would you suggest for RGees Pacing Grips?