Survey Survival Readiness Quiz

Week 4 – Provision of Care – Implementation (Patient Education, Abuse, Pressure Injury)

1.Please add your name and department.(Required.)
2.The entire healthcare team participates in planning and providing patient and family education, which is the following three things:(Required.)
3.What are the primary goals of patient/family education?(Required.)
4.Name three areas patients receive education.(Required.)
5.Abuse includes all except:(Required.)
6.True or False: Salinas Valley Health Medical Center is required to report any suspected abuse to the authorities. (Required.)
7.True or False: Only a patient who is admitted as an inpatient requires skin assessment on admission.(Required.)
8.How often is a skin assessment completed?(Required.)
9.If a patient develops a Stage 3 or Stage 4 pressure injury who should I call?(Required.)
10.True or False: A care plan needs to be initiated if a patient develops a pressure injury.(Required.)