
Sign Up for Type 2 Diabetes Benchmarking Evaluation Survey

As a physician, nurse practitioner, nurse, nurse educator or clinical investigator involved in treating and/or researching diabetes therapies and treatment programs, we invite you to participate in a brief survey to evaluate a diabetes benchmarking calculator prototype developed to help clinicians and their patients better understand how they might respond to therapies given their individual characteristics and treatment options. Please complete the contact and background information below if you would like to participate. 

After you complete the questions below, we will send you an email invitation to complete the survey(s) with detailed instructions.  Those instructions will provide information on completing a brief pre-survey and using the benchmarking calculators.  You will then complete a brief post-survey.The benchmarking calculators will be displayed on the secure website 

We just need some information about your professional background and clinical experience to ensure that we send you the correct survey.  So please continue by completing the questions below: