SURVEY: Job ads - The good, the bad, the ugly
Which type of job ads make you rush to apply? And what are the red flags? We're on a mission to educate job-posters - and whether you're a freelancer or looking for a full-time job, we'd love your input in our quick survey below. Thank-you!
As a job-seeker, what kind of jobs or gigs do you look for?
Freelance gigs / projects
Full-time / perm jobs
Part-time jobs
Other (please specify)
What's the single most important thing to you in an ad for a job or freelance gig?
It offers flexibility / remote working
It pays market rates or above
The tasks and job spec are doable for one person
It requests samples of your work rather than making you do a test
Other (please specify)
Why is flexibility so important to you?
I'm a lot more productive in my own environment
I need flexibility so I can work and juggle family commitments
I have a disability
It helps my time management
It's the way of the world and employers need to get on board
Other (please specify)
A job ad is perfect for your skills, but insists you must be on-site. What do you do?
Apply but try to negotiate an off-site / flexible working arrangement
Scroll on by - if they're not flexible at the start, there's no point applying
Apply, even though it's not my preferred mode of working
Other (please specify)
How important is transparency on rates / salary in a job or gig ad?
Extremely important
Very important
Somewhat important
Not so important
Not at all important
Other (please specify)
Is it important to you to get a reply to your application?
Other (please specify)
You spot a job or gig ad that sounds like your bag, but they're being vague about rates / salary. How likely are you to apply anyway?
Very likely
Very unlikely
Other (please specify)
Would you do an unpaid test if that was part of the criteria applying for a job or gig?
It would depend on the test and how much I wanted the job
If no, please explain why...
Would you do a test to get a freelance job or gig if it was a paid test?
If not, why not?
What are the three biggest red flags to you in a job or gig ad?
The company or employer is hidden, making it impossible to research them
There's an overwhelmingly long and involved job spec
The ad tries to squeeze 3 jobs into one (like 'Digital marketing content writer with PR skills')
There's an off-putting job title such as, 'Design ninja' or 'Word wizard'
The only mention of money is that rates are 'competitive' or the salary is 'commensurate with experience'
The ad offers perks, benefits or exposure instead of payment
The ad talks about 'passion' and working long hours, or mentions 'you must be ready to work hard'
The application process is unnecessarily complex and lengthy
The ad copy talks down to you, is insulting or is condescending
The ad requires a ridiculous amount of experience
The experience level doesn't match the job spec or salary (ie, they want a mid-level copywriter, but are paying junior rates)
Other (please specify)
What would make you stop reading a job ad and keep scrolling?
The job title is unclear or vague
The ad copy is a long, waffly stream of consciousness
There are few to no sub-heads separating the information
They want a unicorn (a candidate with an almost mythical laundry list of specific skills / experience)
Really boring ad copy
Other (please specify)
What annoys you most after applying for a job or gig?
Not hearing back from employers after I apply
Being ghosted after a potential client / employer / hiring manager has expressed interest in me
Making it to interview stage and not getting the job
Not hearing back after an interview
Other (please specify)
What kinds of benefits would you want to see in a job ad for a perm job?
Flexible working policies / remote working options
Opportunities for ongoing training / upskilling
The chance for promotion / career growth
A supportive company culture
Healthy food / snacks on site
An easy-to-get-to, central location
An on-site gym or exercise / wellness classes
A dedication to hygiene and Covid-safe policies
Other (please specify)
Is there anything else you'd like job-posters to know about writing a decent ad for a job or freelance gig?
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered