I invite you to tell us about your recent experience with Camden Council.
Your feedback is very important to us and will help us to continually improve the quality of service we provide, in addition to giving us a great opportunity to recognise instances of exceptional service provision.
General Manager - Camden Council
Any information provided in undertaking this survey will be managed by Council in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information Public Access Act 2009 and State Records Act 1998. Further information can be found at the following links
I invite you to tell us about your recent experience with Camden Council.
Your feedback is very important to us and will help us to continually improve the quality of service we provide, in addition to giving us a great opportunity to recognise instances of exceptional service provision.
General Manager - Camden Council
Any information provided in undertaking this survey will be managed by Council in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information Public Access Act 2009 and State Records Act 1998. Further information can be found at the following links