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We want to hear from you! In our ongoing efforts to improve the employee experience, please complete our Employee Engagement Survey. The survey is anonymous, so please provide honest and authentic feedback. We appreciate your time and participation in helping us enrich our workplace environments.

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* 1. What department do you work in?

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* 2. What is your role?

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* 4. I am satisfied with my opportunities for professional growth.

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* 5. I am able to make decisions affecting my work.

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* 6. I get excited about going to work.

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* 7. I understand how my work impacts the organization's business goals.

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* 8. My manager and I have a good working relationship.

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* 9. I can approach my manager when I have a problem or concern.

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* 10. Management provides meaningful feedback to help my performance.

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* 11. Management within my organization recognizes strong job performance.

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* 12. How often does your manager provide you with meaningful feedback

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* 13. What rating would you give your manager?

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* 14. I am satisfied with my overall job security.

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* 15. My organization's work positively impacts people's lives.

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* 16. My organization operates in a socially responsible manner

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* 17. The organization is dedicated to diversity and inclusiveness.

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* 18. I am satisfied with the culture of my workplace.

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* 19. What is your single greatest work-related concern right now?

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* 20. How likely is it that you would recommend organizaiton to a friend or colleague?

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