Your answers are completely anonymous.
If you want someone to follow up with you for any reason,
please provide your contact information at the bottom of the survey.

Question Title

* 1. I regularly meet in person with my IB Account Manager (sales rep) as scheduled.

Question Title

* 2. My Account Manager works with me to keep an appropriate amount of inventory on hand.

Question Title

* 3. My Account Manager is the best beverage consultant for my business (ex: provides product education, knows about industry trends, etc.).

Question Title

* 4. I normally receive everything I ordered (ex: no missing items, backordered product, etc.).

Question Title

* 5. My driver provides professional & friendly service.

Question Title

* 6. What else would you like us to know?

Question Title

* 7. Complete this section ONLY IF you want someone to follow up with you: