South Quorum Road Activation Advisory Committee Application

Background Information
The Town is preparing for the design and reconstruction of Quorum Road in Addison which is a joint project between Public Works and Parks.  The project will begin at Arapaho Road and extend to the North Dallas Tollway.  The project will also address needs identified in the Park Recreation and Open Space Master Plan and in the Vision Plans for Quorum Art Walk .  The previous plans made recommendations regarding the need for the creation of pedestrian and activity spaces in the South Quorum Business District located on Quorum Drive South of Belt Line Road and also involves businesses on Landmark Place and Landmark Boulevard.  Funds for the project, along with funds for reconstruction of Quorum Drive,  were approved by Addison voters in the 2019 Bond Election.   
Advisory Committee
The Town of Addison is seeking applications from interested residents, members of the Addison Arbor Foundation and South Quorum business community representatives who would like to serve as a member of the South Quorum Activation Advisory Committee to help inform the conceptual plan for the area. 
Selection Criteria 
Selected individuals shall be Addison residents, individuals who work in the South Quorum Business District or members of the Addison Arbor Foundation.  Participants must have the availability to participate in 3 group meetings and several additional public meetings held over the course of 4-6 months. The first meeting is scheduled for November 8th or 9th and will be set depending on the best availability of the committee.
Please respond to the questions below and submit the completed application by no later than 5:00 PM on October 18th for consideration. The Town Council will make the final selection of Advisory Committee members at their October 24th meeting. 

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Contact Information

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* 3. Which of the following best describes  you?

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* 4. To which age group do you belong?

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* 5. How long have you lived or worked in the Town of Addison

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* 6. If you work in the South Quorum Business District, which best describes how you predominantly commute to work?

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* 7. Name of the Organization / Business you represent and your role at the company,  along with the address (if applicable)

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* 8. Why are you interested in being a member of this Advisory Committee?

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* 9. What experiences do you have working with the Town of Addison?

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* 10. Please share your interest in parks, spending time outdoors, using trails and public art.

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* 11. What role do you have in the community?

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* 12. If you are affiliated with an organization or business, what benefits would you or your organization gain from this process?

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* 13. Do you have the ability to serve this process (meetings approximately 3 and a few additional meetings over a 4-6 month period?)

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* 14. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself that will help the Town Council in its selection of Committee Members?