Stow on the Wold Town Council is being consulted on the future of public toilets in The Square.

At present there are two facilities (one in Maugersbury Road Carpark and one in The Square) which are operated by Cotswold District Council. Due to budget restraints Cotswold District Council has decided not to continue with the facilities in The Square.

Stow on the Wold Town Council has been given the opportunity to take over the running of those public conveniences. They were used 17277 times in 22/23. This is predominately by tourists visiting the town.

The potential cost of running the toilets will be £20,000 a year. This would mean an additional £18.33 per annum (0.35p per week) on band D council tax, for Stow residents.

Free toilet facilities are still available at Tesco's and paid for facilities will continue at Maugersbury Road Carpark.

This is your opportunity to tell the Council whether or not you would like your council tax to be spent on these facilities.

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* 1. Do you think the toilets should remain in The Square?

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* 2. Would it be acceptable to increase residents' council tax to pay for it?

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* 3. Do you think 70p is an acceptable charge to use the toilets?

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* 4. If you answered No to the previous question, please indicate how much you would be willing to pay.

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* 5. If you have any suggestions regarding the toilets please email: