Thank you for your interest in joining the Wodonga Vision Panel.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Wodonga 2050 Community Vision Deliberative Panel, you will have the opportunity to give advice to Council and work with other members of our community to shape Wodonga's future.

The Panel is being asked - How do we make Wodonga an even better place to live for all? What should be our vision for Wodonga?

The vision will inform the development of the Council Plan 2025-2028 and other council documents into the future.

The panel will be selected to reflect the diversity of the Wodonga community. To allow us to do this, we ask you to answer questions about yourself.

Recruitment of the Panel is being undertaken by an independent organisation, Deliberately Engaging.

Please note: Elected representatives from any level of government, paid employees of any political party, Wodonga Council employees, current councillors and their immediate family members, and former councillors from the last two terms of council are not eligible to register to be part of this Panel.

Protecting your privacy
Completing this registration form provides Deliberately Engaging Pty Ltd with personal information about yourself. All personal information collected is handled under the Australian Privacy Principles. By completing this registration form you authorise Deliberatively Engaging, to provide Wodonga Council with certain personal information including your name, contact details and any information necessary, including special needs you may have, to support your participation.

Question Title

* 1. What is your first name?

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* 2. What is your last name?

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* 3. What is your preferred name?

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* 4. Are you available to attend the ALL of the panel's meetings on

Sunday, September 1 – 10am to 1pm
Saturday, September 7 – 10am to 4pm
Saturday, September 14 – 10am to 4pm
Sunday, September 15 – 10am to 4pm

All meetings will be held at Wodonga Council offices, 104 Hovell St, Wodonga. Participants will receive $500 in recognition of their time and commitment to this process.

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* 5. How can we contact you?