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Introduction: About this survey

This survey asks you for your opinions about safety in V. Your answers will help us to understand how our employees feel about the way we manage safety and the efforts we make to improve our safety performance; your views are therefore very valuable to us.

Please remember, this is all about our safety culture. The culture in which we work has an impact on how we behave at work. This survey is open to everyone and therefore every member of the V. family is invited to complete the Safety Culture Survey regardless of role, division, business unit or location.

Whether you are working onshore or offshore; you are directly involved in a safety critical role or not, you are working within our safety culture and we would like your opinion about this. Safety culture goes beyond simply having rules/procedures in place and is about all of our values, thoughts and behaviours in association with safety.

Before the survey questions begin, you will be asked to provide some basic information about you and your role in V. This information will help us understand more about how different parts of the organisation view safety in V. We will not be able to identify you from this information and all your survey responses will remain anonymous.

The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. The survey is divided into 12 different sections and each section deals with a separate safety issue. In each section there are a number of statements or questions with a 7 point rating scale:

  • Strongly disagree with the statement
  • Disagree with the statement
  • Slightly disagree with the statement
  • Neither agree nor disagree with the statement
  • Slightly agree with the statement
  • Agree with the statement
  • Strongly agree with the statement

Please select your answers by clicking the appropriate box or, if the statement is not relevant to you, please select “N/A”.

No one will be able to identify your answers and your responses will be combined with those of the other people who complete it. In addition, the survey is being managed by an external consultancy and no one within V will see your answers. It is extremely important that you are open and honest in the responses you give, as your feedback will help us to better understand the safety culture at our organisation.

If you disagree with a statement, or have a negative opinion or experience related to a particular question, please provide honest answers accordingly.

We will develop future plans and initiatives in order to address the areas where improvement is needed, so it is essential for the future growth of our safety culture that the information you provide is accurate, truthful and representative of your own safety experiences.

At the end of the survey there is a general comments box where you are invited to tell us what you think, if you wish. If you have any questions about completing the survey please contact your local HSSEQ Manager.

Finally, some of you may have completed a similar survey last year, thank you for doing this. We are now interested in your opinion in 2024. Your opinion now maybe similar to your opinion in 2023, or it may be different, this is ok. We would like you to tell us honestly if something has changed. This may have changed for the better, or it may have changed for the worse, either way please tell us what you really think.

Don’t forget – Every Response Counts!

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