A City of Raleigh Volunteer Program

Volunteer Raleigh is a city sponsored program as well as a referral source; connecting volunteer sites with active volunteers for service. The areas in which volunteers serve include but are not limited to: nutrition centers, thrift stores, schools, food banks, community policing efforts and services to veteran and military families. Volunteer Raleigh offers opportunities to citizens from 18 years of age and up.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. What is your birthdate?


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* 4. Emergency Contact Information

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* 5. Are you currently serving in the military, a veteran, or a military family member?

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* 6. Are you currently voluteering?

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* 7. If Yes, where do you currently volunteer?

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* 8. If No, what are you interested in doing during your volunteer service?

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* 9. Are you interested in any of the below focus areas?

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* 10. What is your availability? (ex: nights/weekends, one-time, morning shifts, etc.)

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* 11. Photographs may be taken during your volunteer service. These photos may be used in City of Raleigh print and electronic promotional materials, such as newsletters, brochures, PowerPoints and website articles.

Do you give the City of Raleigh permission to use photos of you in promotional materials, including newsletters, brochures, PowerPoints and website articles?

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* 12. How did you hear about Volunteer Raleigh?

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* 13. Volunteer hours may either be collected directly from the station you volunteer with or by individual timesheets. Do you give the Volunteer Raleigh program permission to collect hours directly from your volunteer station?

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* 14. Do  you have a specific skill-set or knowledge you would like to share?