Welcome to the Caregiver Education Series!
The Education Team of the Children, Youth and Families – Addiction and Mental Health Edmonton Zone (AHS) is pleased to offer these caregiver education sessions. These free sessions are intended to provide parents, caregivers, teachers, and community members with basic level information regarding addiction and mental health challenges that can and do affect children and youth. 

Virtual Delivery:
For the first time ever we are pleased to offer virtual presentation delivery! We will use Zoom as our platform, sending out private links to registrants two business days prior to the session. You may not share this link with anyone who is not registered. It is important to recognize that nothing on-line is 100% secure from hackers. That said, Zoom's regulated platform calls are encrypted and have been approved for client care by Alberta Health Services. For more info on virtual delivery read our info sheet here

Who can attend:
Presentations are open to all adults in the community (not just parents). Note that some sessions focus on topics relating to elementary school children while others apply mainly to adolescents. Unless specified, sessions are for an adult audience; however some sessions welcome youth (ages 12+) to attend with their parent/caregiver.

Registration and Cancellations:
Please select the session below that is of interest to you.  You may attend multiple sessions but will have to refresh this web page for each new registration.  Multiple dates, times and locations may be offered per topic, however the content material presented is the same in each session of the same topic. If you are attending with a family member or friend, please complete a separate registration form for each adult that is attending a session.

Automatic emails are not sent out at the time of registration, so please note the session details. Email reminders will be sent out to those who have registered 2 business days before the session.

For more information or to cancel your registration, please email

Click on the session you would like to register for:

Children and Adolescents with ADHD: An Introduction
April 21, 2020

Helping Your Child Succeed in School: Developing Executive Functioning Skills
April 23, 2020

Technology and the Teenage Brain: Supporting the Digital Wellbeing of Families
May 13, 2020

Supporting Self-Regulation in Elementary School Children
June 9, 2020

Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety
July 14, 2020
Please Note this Session is Tentatively In-Person