As a result of the services I received from the County District Attorney’s Office:

Directions: Please help us to improve our program by answering the following nine questions. We want to know how you are doing with your recovery process, and how we have helped. Just circle the best answer for each question.

Question Title

* 1. Understanding/Participating in the Criminal Justice System :

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
1. I now have a better understanding of my role in the court process.
2. Being able to provide input in the court process made me feel included.
3. I now have a better understanding of my rights as a victim of crime.

Question Title

* 2. Service Quality

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Nor Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
4. I was notified of important information about my case
5. I had an opportunity to provide input before decisions were made in my case.
6. I was provided with assistance to complete a victim’s compensation application.
7. I was assisted in obtaining restitution from the offender for the financial losses I suffered because of the crime
8. I was provided with appropriate referrals based on my needs.
9. The agency made sure the services they provided took my culture, religion, and orientation into consideration.
Thank you for taking the time to help us improve our services.