2025 Valdese Citizens Priority Survey

This survey is also available as a paper copy through the citizen water bill.

Input is invited from each member of your household by completing this survey or the paper version.
1.I am a (select one):
Town Government:
2.On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the LOWEST and 5 being the HIGHEST, please rate how important each of the following are to you:
The inclusion of citizen input in setting Town priorities.
Facilities Review Committee’s advice to Town Council.
Efficiency Task Force’s advice to Town Council.
Drug and Homeless Task Force’s advice to Town Council.
Merchants Advisory Committee’s advice to Town Council.
Street Maintenance Review Committee (yet to be appointed) advice to Town Council
3.On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the LOWEST and 5 being the HIGHEST, please rate how important each of the following are to you:
The Town’s need for more low-income housing.
The Town’s need for more market rate housing.
Community Events:
4.Please choose your preferred date for the Town to celebrate Independence Day 2026.
5.How often would you like to have Family Friday Night (FFN) free summer concerts during the months of June - August?
6.Where would you rather have Family Friday Night (FFN) free summer concerts?
7.Please select your preferred month for future annual Waldensian Festivals beginning in 2026.
8.Which of the following is the most convenient way for you to receive Town news and event notifications?