Vaccine Mandate Survey

Tennessee Enters Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit

February 4, 2022 Governor Lee announced intention to join 15 other states in a lawsuit against Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services over the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers.

The argument is that this mandate puts already struggling facilities, at risk of losing even more healthcare workers.

Please provide your feedback below.
1.Has your facility implemented a vaccine mandate?
2.Have you lost employees because of the threat or implementation of a vaccine mandate?
3.Have employees expressed they will quit if a vaccine mandate is implemented?
4.Does your facility feel it has all necessary information to properly implement a vaccine mandate?
5.Do you support the idea of a vaccine mandate for healthcare workers?
6.Will you terminate employees who do not comply with the vaccine mandate?
7.Is there anything else you would like to share about the vaccine mandate would help or hurt your operations?
8.If you are willing to share more about how a vaccine mandate would help or harm your facility, please provide your contact information (Name, email, phone) below
Current Progress,
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