INTRODUCTION:  In late 2022, Austin City Council directed the City Manager to explore the development of procurement programs that would promote further contracting opportunities for small and local businesses, including but not limited to the City’s existing certified Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises.  With this direction, the Financial Services Department (FSD) – Central Procurement now seeks feedback from various small and local business stakeholders in the Austin area.  Your feedback on the following questions will help inform the development of any new procurement programs, or expansions of existing procurement programs, for the City of Austin.  Your participation in this Survey is most appreciated!

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* 1. Small Business.  The Small Business Size Standard, maintained by the US Small Business Administration (SBA), is one of the most widely recognized size standards in the nation.  Locally, this size standard is included in the following certifications:

a.      City of Austin.  Minority or Women-owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE)            and Small Business Enterprise (SBE).

b.      State of Texas.  Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB), and Small              Business Enterprise (SBE).

c.      Federal. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)
          [City and State both certify DBEs for their contracts using Federal
          transportation funds.]

In developing any additional City procurement programs targeting Small Businesses, including City certified M/WBEs and State certified HUBs, FSD – Central Procurement intends to continue recognizing the SBA size standard.

If you recommend another size standard, please identify it here and explain why it may be better than the SBA size standard.

2. Local Businesses.  Currently, the City of Austin’s Local Preference Procurement Program applies to most solicitations for contracts exceeding $50,000.  For this program, the City must determine (a) the Offerors’ Principal Place of Business, and (b) location “Within the Municipality.” For this purpose, the City defines:

a.      (i) Offerors Headquarters or
         (ii) Branch Office (location where administrative duties of the contract will be performed).

b.      Located within the Full Purpose Jurisdiction of the City of Austin.

In developing any expansions of this program or new programs supporting Local businesses, the City is interested in how you would define the following:

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* a.      What organization part should be in the Local area to be considered a Local Business (headquarters, branch, other)?

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* b. What geographic area should this/these organizational part(s) be located in?

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* 3. In what area do you believe the City should be prioritizing it’s preference program in?

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* 4. Other Local and/or Small Business Programs.  If you are aware of other States or local governments with effective Local, Small, or Local & Small procurement programs, we would appreciate your feedback on such programs, and why you think they are effective.

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* 5. Contact Information.  Please provide your contact information if you would like to be notified of future meetings, etc. on this topic :

Thank you for taking time to provide feedback on this important topic.  Please contact Shawn Willett, Deputy Procurement Officer with the City of Austin at with any questions.