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* 1. At this time, what are the top three most difficult positions to fill?

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* 2. Are you experiencing specific skills gaps in new hires or current employees?

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* 3. If you answered “Yes” to question #2, what top three skills are missing in New Hires?

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* 4. If you answered “Yes” to question #2, what top three skills are missing in Current Employees?

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* 5. What kind of skills training would you recommend to help you onboard new hires?

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* 6. What kind of skills training would you recommend to help you upskill current employees?

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* 7. Have you increased wages over the past six (6) months?

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* 8. Have you expanded benefits for employees over the past six (6) months?

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* 9. If you were to listen to brief speaker presentations, what topics would be of interest to you as a business owner or manager?