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EarlySense 2021 Remote Patient Monitoring Tech Survey

If you’re using or deploying remote patient monitoring (RPM) solutions, we want to understand how they’re working for you.

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1. Please describe your organization

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2. Please describe your role

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3. Which of the following types of telehealth are you using to provide clinical care? (Please check all that apply).

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4. How long have you been using remote patient monitoring tools and technologies in your organization?

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5. What percentage of your patients are currently using remote patient monitoring program(s)?

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6. Of those patients using remote patient monitoring tools, what conditions are they managing (if any)? (Please check all that apply). 

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7. And how many are managing more than one chronic condition (have comorbidities)?

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8. Which of the following do you perceive as barriers to your organization using RPM solutions?

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9. Which devices are helping you provide better care for your patients via RPM? (Please check all that apply).

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10. With what frequency are you receiving vitals data from your RPM devices or tools? (Please check all that apply).

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11. How do you review data from the devices and technologies that you and your patients are using to support RPM? (Please check all that apply).

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12. Shifting now to think about the devices used in to collect patient vital signs (blood pressure monitor, heart rate, weight scale or other type of sensor technology), what elements do you feel are most important related to the data for RPM? Please rank by importance from 1 - 4, 1 being most important.

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13. We all know that patient compliance is critical to improving outcomes and driving return on investment for telehealth, virtual care and RPM programs. What is the biggest challenge you see to achieving 100% patient compliance to monitoring devices or technologies?

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14. If you were evaluating a new RPM device or solution for your practice/organization, what factors would be most important to you? Please rank by importance from 1 - 8, 1 being most important.

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15. What are the top 3 challenges you have with RPM devices and/or solutions available today? (Please select a maximum of three (3)).

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16. What could RPM technology and device providers do, to help your practice or organization further advance telehealth or virtual care? (Please check all that apply).

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17. Are RPM devices and technologies more valuable if they use machine learning or Artificial Intelligence (AI) to distill many data points from a patient, for clinical application?

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18. Are you currently using devices that capture continuous multi-vital data from patients as part of your organization’s telehealth or RPM programs/solutions?

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19. Are you currently measuring sleep and sleep-related biometrics from patients as part of your organization’s telehealth or RPM programs/solutions?

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20. How are you measuring Respiratory Rate and its variability as part of your organization's RPM program?

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21. Given the shortage of healthcare workers, what represents the biggest opportunity for RPM solutions to help your organization (at scale)?

Sentiment Assessment: For each of the following statements, please indicate how much you agree or disagree.

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22. I have all the necessary skills to use RPM tools and technology.

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23. I believe RPM devices and solutions enable me to deliver quality care for chronic disease management.

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24. I believe Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning can help with healthcare resource shortages by making data more actionable.

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25. I believe Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning is critical to automate the review and analysis of increasing amounts of data from RPM devices and solutions.

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26. I believe having access to patient nighttime data points through RPM would provide a more robust view of their overall health.

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27. I believe RPM positively impacts my organization financially.

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28. My patient population reacted favorably to the use of RPM for clinical care.

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29. I believe in-home care represents the best possible foundation for long-term patient care in the future.

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30. Please share any additional comments, ideas or thoughts with us surrounding how RPM devices and technology solutions can help you with your telehealth or virtual care practice:

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31. Please share your contact information with us so we can learn more about your specific needs.

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