Quiz for 2.0 CEUs (HSW)

Thank you for viewing LAF's Innovation + Leadership Symposium with Kimberly Garza, Douglas Williams, Kathryn Finnigan, Betsy Peterson, Johnny Shakir Macon, and Meg Calkins.

In order to receive 2.0 Professional Development Hours (PDH) through the Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System (LA CES), please complete the following 13-question quiz and provide your name and email at the end of the quiz.

You will receive your score after you submit the quiz; attendees scoring 75% or higher will receive 2.0 PDH (HSW). If you do not pass, you may re-take it. There will be no immediate confirmation email; certificates will be emailed within 2 weeks.

Question Title

* 1. The LAF Fellowship for Innovation and Leadership supports:

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* 2. Kimberly's presentation - What are the causes of heat inequity within disadvantaged communities?

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* 3. Kimberly's presentation - According to the Tree Equity Report, the poorest communities have 41% less tree cover than the wealthier ones.

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* 4. Douglas's presentation - Chaz Ebert's FECK principles are:

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* 5. Douglas's presentation - Successful factors for engaging K-12 African American youth in STEAM are:

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* 6. Kathryn's presentation - What are three less commonly known sensory systems, beyond the classic five senses?

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* 7. Kathryn's presentation - What types of environmental factors, with design implications, are linked with difficulties in processing sensory input?

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* 8. Betsy's presentation - What is causing biodiversity decline today?

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* 9. Betsy's presentation - Select the sentence that does not accurately describe Shifting Baseline Syndrome (SBS):

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* 10. Johnny's presentation - What is the name of Austin Allen's movie?

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* 11. Johnny's presentation - The first sneaker brand to create a signature shoe that crossed over into fashion was:

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* 12. Meg's presentation - Which retaining wall assembly has the lowest embodied carbon?

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* 13. Meg's presentation - Which deck boards pose the greatest ecosystem impacts when harvested?

Continue to the next page to enter your information for LA CES.